Thursday, November 26, 2009

Professional Internship, II

after i told him about my PI situation and that im getting desperate in Phase 2, this was what Thusitha de Silva, our Business Journalism teacher, replied me.

Thiam Peng,
Stay cool, young man. You are good at what you do, so don't let such technical issues get you down. I have no doubt that you will secure something. The world works in mysterious ways and your first choices may not always be the best choice for you. Things have a way of working out. It's sometimes difficult and/or annoying to live through the uncertainty, but when you look back in your life, you may find that it all makes sense.

=) this is why we love the man.

thank you, thus. although i knew nuts about finance reporting and still dislike it, you made this one of my favourite classes of my uni life.

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