Saturday, February 14, 2009

a midas touch

the principal item i took away from the Tri-Uni forum, featuring the student councils from us, NUS and SMU, is this. in that 3 hours, it was 5 minutes that seemed to be all that mattered.

the SMU union president went on and on, after a question on "activism", about how in the Singapore context it's more about relationships built with the students, serving them, and fostering "student life", for a more diplomatic term. but what came out even clearer and punchier was this idea:

student leaders like us do this with a passion. we hope to bring something to the places we care about. but why does it usually fall short? of course people say they achieve things but seriously im sure u know what im referring to. why is it that however hard we try to bring a certain varsity/faculty unity only so little succeed? because, there is no culture for student activism. tell me what you think of when this term pops up. most Singaporean students expect student activism to come from the union, the student leaders etc. they complain and complain, but they pass that frustration/anger/disappointment/unhappiness to the "necessary organisation", and from there expect things to happen. i can tell u from my position, which is some hell of a position, that most of u do not care to do more than talk. when the situation calls for, there is also a lack of courage. u want things to happen, but always it must be others to do it. student activism is so influential abroad because they mean STUDENTS. a big plural form. they dare to do, and they do it together. they don't sit back. they sit down, to protest. they do all sorts of shit to shake an establishment. we are the representatives yes, but we need the backing. such vile attacks on us student leaders are so damn hypocritical u know.

that is why, u realise, the SU and what-nots are always "f***ed up" to u. there is some sort of cognitive dissonance at work here i tell u. we have Western ideals, but Asian personality.

the SMU union president's soundbite: "don't find fault. find the remedy."

hwei yun, NTU union president's: "complaints are welcome, but constructive feedback is much appreciated."

you cant make more sense than that.

interestingly, the same pair shot again. "but may i ask again, what does the term "student activism" really mean to you?"

and there was silence and uneasiness at the chairing table for 5 to 10 seconds.

oh and i also found out. only today. sorry if i seem a little ignorant. that Joint-Hall doesn't stand alone in a hierarchy away from us. we're all in the same tree. i finally found out why JH isn't in the Student Council. because the Council is made up of representatives of the top tier of student leaders. Students' Union, presidents of school committees, and presidents of the 3 major clubs. the JCRCs are in the next tier below.

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