Saturday, December 30, 2017

my top 10 films of 2017

  1. The Killing of a Sacred Deer

    You know it's something special when there's virtually zero acting and you still can't take your eyes (and ears) off it. How did Yorgos Lanthimos go from The Lobster to this?

  2. Dunkirk

    Gospel truth: Christopher Nolan works on a different planet. There are a few things you can nitpick here, but in its entirety it's a masterpiece. Just the fact that a genre film succeeded outside its conventions is enough to end debates.

  3. Get Out

    Everything this touches turns to gold. Suspense, check. Humour, check. Intelligence, check. Flawless, not just for a debut director, but any director.

  4. Blank 13

    Touching and funny, never have I seen a film take a 180-degree change in tone and still works.

  5. The Square

    Films that make you uncomfortable are usually good films. This pummels you until you want to slit your throat, while offering a cutting critique of so many issues I shan't list them.

  6. Logan

    A superhero movie like no other. Compelling characters, gritty action, utterly depressing.

  7. No Date, No Signature

    Like most great Iranian films, an intriguing premise laced with social commentary. Nobody does hopelessness like Iran.

  8. 分贝人生

    A poor and dysfunctional Chinese family in Malaysia. And it gets worse. A tragic story through and through.

  9. The Big Sick

    They don't do rom-coms like this anymore. A good romance doesn't have to be smart; a smart film rarely pairs with a good love story. This picture achieves all these and much more.

  10. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    I have to save a spot for this. Simply helming a project like this and not messing up is an achievement.

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