Friday, January 09, 2009

irrationality / hope

i like driving. and like everyone else to halt for a red light can be frustrating.

and somehow, as a driver, there's always the question of. why are e traffic lights always turning red? is it a proven science or is it only in e head?

murphy's law of traffic light says tt when ur in a rush they're always red. which is not true. people use murphy as explanation because "unfavourable events in moments of crisis are much more memorable than favourable events in moments of tranquillity".

u just wish they can all stay green, or even turn green when u approach one.

then. on other days. traffic is just so smooth where every junction is green and even if u approach a red light it somehow knows luck is with u today, and turns green for u.

life and love, in their simplicity, can be defined by roads and lights. do we go faster or slower. do we need to overtake, or do we slow down and take in e sights. are we sure or have we lost e way. do we hit e highway. one-way street or crossroads. left or right, or straight on. and do we make an exit somewhere.

is it red, or is it green.

this journey should never be done alone.

this time. im wishing at this traffic light. that it will turn red.

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