boring was e repeated term used to describe this rich but small division of WWKSCI. i thot how big can tt word be. u muz think so too. cmon, everyone used "boring" as CR's pet name, but this is mass comm n is tt e best n varied word everyone can find?
oh yea until im in it myself. i think ive found e right word for this course. boring.
should e course coordinator be more lively than e tutors? by experience maybe he knows how to make CR interestin. by superiority he could juz be e boring-est around.
ok so marko-gabriel skoric-grey sylar put me to sleep. n considerin im one of e toughest in class and most resilient to fallin asleep.
ok vivien chen came n put me to sleep.
my tutor terrie wong is nice, n im glad ive got her over e others. she didnt put me to sleep coz she openly admits CR is "quite boring". so i respect her for e honesty n humility. but she wanna put me to e sword for being 20mins late.
n why in e blue hell does CR have a whole foundation module devoted to it but not journ or EBM or PR or advertising?
some testimonies from my course mates~
"if i have nowhere to go except CR i'll quit school. i rather be a cashier", meisee
"if im forced to go CR i'll drop out of here. n go SIM", sara-jean
"208 SUCKKKKSSSS and i wanna drop it", waisze
"damn comm research", yanyi
"if i can only go CR i'll commit suicide", myself